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Search Results for: covid test

GPs in drive to increase vaccine uptake among minority ethnic patients

As misinformation circulates about the safety of Covid-19 vaccines, GPs say they need more help to reassure ethnic minority patients amid a climate of mistrust, finds Nicola Merrifield Health bosses knew early on in the vaccination programme that mistrust could prove an obstacle to Covid-19 vaccine uptake among black, Asian and minority ethnic (BAME) patients.

05 March 2021

Doctor pay rise of 1% is a ‘kick in the teeth’, says BMA

The Government’s proposal of a 1% pay rise for doctors in 2021/22 is ‘a kick in the teeth’ and a ‘dereliction of moral duty’, the BMA has said.

05 March 2021

GPs asked to review Down’s patients amid new shielding coding error

GPs have been asked to review all patients coded as having – or known to have – Down’s syndrome after some were given incorrect shielding guidance.

05 March 2021



05 March 2021

How are we going to exit the pandemic?

A year on from the start of the UK’s first lockdown, the Prime Minister announced the country could be back to normal by 21 June.

04 March 2021

PHE: Single shot of AZ vaccine reduces over-80s’ hospitalisation risk by 80%

A single dose of the Oxford vaccine is as effective as the Pfizer jab in reducing the risk of hospitalisation in those aged over 80, the first real-world analysis of its rollout has shown.

02 March 2021

GPs can remove some patients with previous gestational diabetes from shielding list

Patients identified as high-risk by QCovid for previous gestational diabetes alone may be manually removed from the shielding list in certain cases, NHS Digital has said.

26 February 2021

QOF income protection will stop from April, says BMA

QOF payments will not be protected beyond the end of March, the BMA has confirmed.

25 February 2021

GPs should opportunistically ask patients if they’ve travelled abroad

GPs should opportunistically ask patients whether they have recently travelled from banned countries, Public Health England (PHE) has said.

24 February 2021

No flu cases detected in England this year to date

No flu cases were detected in the last seven weeks thanks to ‘changes in our behaviour’, Public Health England (PHE) has said.

23 February 2021