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Search Results for: covid test

GPs asked to help identify patients to discharge from hospital

Exclusive GPs in Essex have been asked to go into hospitals and help discharge patients to free up capacity, Pulse has learned.

14 January 2021

BMA calls for more stringent PPE guidance for GP settings

The BMA has called for more stringent PPE guidance in primary care amidst ‘significant and growing concerns’ about aerosol transmission of Covid-19 in healthcare settings.

13 January 2021

GPs ‘expected to’ vaccinate all care homes by end of this week

NHS England has said all PCN Covid vaccination services are ‘expected to’ administer the first dose to care home residents by the end of this week, and by 24 January at the latest.

13 January 2021

Lukewarm credit where it is due

This week, I tweeted very lukewarm praise of the Government’s approach to vaccines.

13 January 2021

‘Most’ GP practices should stop non-essential work, say BMA and RCGP

The BMA and RCGP have said that ‘most’ GP practices in the UK should pause all or a ‘significant’ proportion of their non-essential work.

12 January 2021

GPs favour retaining default remote consultations despite concerns

More than half of GPs wish to establish remote consultations as the new first-line option after the pandemic, finds Nicola Merrifield It’s been nine months since GPs rapidly adapted to remote working, an approach necessitated by the coronavirus pandemic.

08 January 2021

Extremely vulnerable should continue shielding after vaccination, GPs told

Patients clinically extremely vulnerable to Covid-19 should continue to shield even after being fully vaccinated against the virus, the Department of Health and Social Care has said.

08 January 2021

GPs should re-call patients with significant allergies to have Oxford vaccine

GPs should recall patients who were unable to have the Pfizer vaccine due to allergies to receive the Oxford vaccine instead, NHS England has said.

08 January 2021

NHS England sets out measures to address GP workload

NHS England has set out a range of measures in a bid to address GP workload in the coming months, including the suspension of local enhanced services and QOF income protection.

07 January 2021

GPs should carry on routine care until instructed otherwise, says NHSE

GPs should continue delivering services ‘as normal’ while a review into guidance on how to prioritise Covid vaccinations and manage pressures is ongoing, NHS England has said.

07 January 2021