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Search Results for: covid test

Hospital has ‘closed its doors’ to patients, LMC warns NHS England

GP leaders have written to NHS England to demand that an NHS hospital trust urgently restores routine referrals as it has ‘closed its doors’ to some patients, ‘destabilising’ practices in the process.

13 August 2020

Welsh Government allocates £800m to NHS for winter flu vaccination and PPE

The Welsh Government has announced an £800m support fund for the NHS ahead of the ‘largest ever’ winter flu vaccination programme, an expected surge in non-Covid care, and a potential second wave of infections.

12 August 2020

GPs want legally mandated face masks in practices

Over eight out of 10 (84%) of members of the Medical Protection Society thinks a face covering should be mandatory when attending any healthcare setting.

08 August 2020

GPs fear having to turn away ‘angry’ 50-64s for flu jabs

GPs fear they may have to turn ‘angry’ patients in their 50s and 60s away from their practices if their expectations about being offered a free flu jab are not met.

06 August 2020

Health committee launches inquiry into NHS staff burnout

MPs have launched an inquiry examining workforce burnout across the NHS and social care, and the system’s ability to manage staff stress amid increased pressures during the Covid-19 pandemic.

03 August 2020

Wales increases fill rate for GP training posts

A marketing campaign and financial incentives have successfully boosted GP trainee recruitment, the Welsh Government has said.

03 August 2020

HEE to fund 250 extra FY2 posts to boost GP recruitment in 2020/21

Health Education England will invest in 250 extra foundation year two training posts to help expand ‘shortage specialties’ such as general practice in 2020/21, it has said.

03 August 2020

GPs can’t refuse patients who will not wear a face covering, says NHS England

GPs cannot refuse to treat patients who present at their practice without a mask, NHS England has said.

03 August 2020

GPs should not prescribe opioids for chronic pain, says NICE

The first-ever NICE guideline on chronic pain has said that GPs should not prescribe opioids to patients with chronic pain because they could be ‘harmful’.

03 August 2020