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Search Results for: covid test

CQC will restart routine GP practice inspections from this autumn

Routine inspections of lower-risk GP practices will recommence this autumn, the CQC has announced.

17 June 2020

When does anxiety about leaving the home become problematic for older adults?

Advice from a Liaison Psychiatrist specialising in Older Adults PLEASE NOTE: THIS IS NO LONGER RELEVANT AND IS NOT BEING UPDATED BUT HAS BEEN LEFT ON THE SITE FOR REFERENCE PURPOSES ONLY This information is sourced from Dr Jayati Das-Munshi, Consultant Liason Psychiatrist for Older Adults Q.

17 June 2020

Pride in a pandemic


16 June 2020

PHE unveils BAME recommendations and admits ‘humbling’ inequalities

Public Health England has admitted the Covid-19 pandemic has laid bare ‘humbling’ inequalities, as it finally published delayed recommendations on reducing black, Asian and minority ethnic (BAME) deaths.

16 June 2020

Give GP practices occupational health support to risk assess staff, says BMA

The BMA has called for GPs to have ‘urgent’ access to occupational health services to support Covid-19 risk assessments in practices.

15 June 2020

BMA warns against reinstating bureaucracy as over half of GPs feel less burdened

The Government must ‘reflect very carefully’ before reintroducing GP bureaucracy, the BMA has warned, as its latest tracker survey found over half of GPs feel relieved by the temporary easing during the pandemic.

12 June 2020

GPs asked to buddy up with PCN practices to cover for isolating staff

GP practices have been asked to review business continuity plans to ensure arrangements are in place within PCNs or between ‘buddies’ to ensure patients can continue accessing their services.

12 June 2020

GP urgent cancer referrals fell by 60% in April

The number of urgent cancer referrals made by GPs in April declined by 60% year on year, according to the latest NHS England data.

11 June 2020