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Search Results for: covid test

Retaining health surcharge ‘gross insult’ to international colleagues, say doctors

The British Association of Physicians of Indian Origin (BAPIO) has written to the Government to condemn its ‘deeply unfair’ immigration policies, which it believes are a ‘betrayal’ of international frontline colleagues.

19 May 2020

People who lose taste and smell should now self-isolate, says Government

The UK’s chief medical officers have added anosmia – the loss of taste and smell – to the list of symptoms that should prompt people to self-isolate due to possible Covid-19.

18 May 2020

Care home ‘clinical leads’ will not be held ‘medically responsible’ for residents

NHS England has moved to reassure GPs that the new clinical leads mandated for all care homes will not be held ‘medically responsible and accountable’.

15 May 2020

GPs made 30% fewer referrals to secondary care during March

GP referrals to secondary care were down by nearly a third in March, new NHS England data has shown.

14 May 2020

BMA threatens legal action over coroner’s death verification advice

The BMA has threatened the chief coroner in Essex with legal action if they do not withdraw guidance stating only healthcare professionals can verify deaths in person.

13 May 2020

GPs advised to avoid ‘over-reliance’ on PPE and to focus on hand hygiene

GPs should focus on hand hygiene and other basic infection prevention, with NHS England suggesting there was an ‘over-reliance’ on personal protective equipment in the face of Covid-19.

12 May 2020

All care homes should have named clinician by Friday, says Government

The Government has said that every care home should have a named clinician by Friday this week, as part of a 50-page plan to ‘rebuild’ amidst the coronavirus epidemic.

11 May 2020