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Search Results for: covid test

Care homes advised they can reuse their patients’ medicines during pandemic

Care homes have been told that they may reuse medication in a crisis situation, if the patient for whom it was originally prescribed no longer needs it – for example if they have died.

29 April 2020

GP practices asked to ‘risk assess’ black and ethnic minority staff

GP practices should risk assess their staff who are from black, Asian and minority ethnic (BAME) backgrounds in light of emerging evidence they may be at higher risk from Covid-19, NHS England has said.

29 April 2020

Coroners clash with BMA over death verification during coronavirus pandemic

Coroners are ‘insisting on processes that are at odds with the law’ and risking patients’ lives by stating deaths during the Covid-19 pandemic can only be verified in person by a trained GP or other healthcare professional, the BMA has warned.

29 April 2020

Second trust recognises BAME staff as ‘vulnerable and at risk’

Exclusive A Lincolnshire foundation trust has become the second to recognise its black, Asian and minority ethnic backgrounds (BAME) workforce as ‘vulnerable and at risk’.

28 April 2020

GPs alerted to ‘coronavirus-related’ condition emerging in children

GPs have received a ‘significant alert’ amid concerns that the coronavirus (Covid-19) may cause a ‘multisystem inflammatory state’ in children.

27 April 2020

BAPIO addresses NHS employers over high mortality rates among BAME staff

The British Association of Physicians of Indian Origin (BAPIO) has written to NHS leaders over ongoing concerns about disproportionately high mortality rates among black, Asian and minority ethnic backgrounds (BAME) healthcare staff.

24 April 2020