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Search Results for: covid test

UK set to pilot fourth Covid jab modified for Omicron variant

The UK is set to pilot a fourth Covid jab modified to tackle the Omicron variant, the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) has announced.

16 February 2022

One in three older adults sought medical help for new condition after Covid

Almost one in three older adults who were infected with Covid in 2020 developed at least one new condition needing medical attention in the following months .

14 February 2022

Covid vaccination contraindications and dilemmas

This section includes guides on the key conditions where Covid vaccination is contraindicated or requires modification in specific groups.

13 February 2022

Immunosuppression and the Covid vaccine

Guidance on vaccinating individuals on immunosuppressive treatment This information is sourced from: ARMA, Versus Arthritis, Specialist Pharmacy Service (SPS), The Green Book Chapter 14a, JCVI prioritisation document , UK Chemotherapy Board Key points: Immunosuppression may be due to disease itself or due to treatments.

11 February 2022

More than 100,000 hospitalisations prevented by Covid booster campaign

The Covid booster campaign helped more than 100,000 patients avoid hospitalisation by protecting the population against Omicron.

10 February 2022

Scrapping Covid self-isolation ‘could have serious impact’ on NHS, BMA warns

The BMA has called on the Government to provide the evidence for scrapping the requirement for self isolation if you have Covid-19 in England from the end of this month.

10 February 2022

Health secretary asks GMC to emphasise importance of Covid vaccination

Health secretary Sajid Javid has asked the GMC to ensure its guidance to doctors sends a ‘clear message’ on Covid vaccination.

08 February 2022

First Covid symptoms develop just two days after infection, shows study

Initial findings from the UK Human Challenge Programme have shown some key insights into the course of a Covid infection, say researchers.

07 February 2022

Will Covid signal the end of the road for overmedicalisation?

The pandemic could offer the chance to review our increasing reliance on medical solutions, finds Emma Wilkinson For years, concerned clinicians have been warning about a healthcare culture in which patients increasingly expect a pill – and a test – for every ill.

07 February 2022

ONS: 13% of all children aged 2-11 have Covid

The latest figures from the Office for National Statistics Covid-19 infection survey have laid bare the extent of Covid-19 cases in children, particularly those of nursery and primary school age.

04 February 2022