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Search Results for: covid test

GP practices to identify 5-11s eligible for Covid jab by next week

All GP practices must ‘immediately’ begin identifying 5-11s who are eligible for a Covid vaccine, NHS England has said.

20 January 2022

Government expects to lift Covid self-isolation requirement entirely by March

Prime Minister Boris Johnson does not expect to renew the legal requirement for people to self-isolate upon testing positive for Covid when this expires in March.

19 January 2022

GPs can administer Covid boosters to 16-17s from this week

All eligible teenagers aged 16-17 can book their Covid booster jab from this week, NHS England has announced.

18 January 2022

GPs to continue LFTs until day 10 as Covid isolation reduced to five days

GPs and practice staff can return to work on day six of their Covid isolation in line with the public but with some additional mitigations, NHS England has said.

17 January 2022

Self-reported positive Covid LFT results to flow into GP systems

Self-reported positive lateral flow Covid test results will be sent through to GP systems to be recorded in patients’ medical notes, an LMC has confirmed.

13 January 2022

Covid asymptomatic GPs with positive day 10 LFTs can return to work

GPs and practice staff who are asymptomatic but still returning a positive LFT result on day 10 of their Covid isolation period should be risk assessed to return to work, according to new guidance.

10 January 2022

GPs to refer ‘modest’ number of newly eligible Covid antivirals patients

GPs will be required to refer a ‘modest number’ of patients who could be eligible for antiviral treatments against Covid, NHS England has said.

05 January 2022

Capacity warning as ‘95%’ of GP practices experiencing Covid staff absences

GP practices are struggling with Covid staff absences, with a survey indicating that 95% are experiencing much higher levels of staff off sick than usual.

05 January 2022

GPs to conduct FIT tests for every ‘urgent’ suspected lower GI cancer referral

GPs must conduct FIT tests for all ‘urgent’ referrals for suspected lower GI cancer, as part of a raft of priorities for the New Year, NHS England has said.

04 January 2022