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Search Results for: covid test

GP practices ‘welcome’ to take part in roll-out trial of Covid-19 antiviral

GP practices are ‘hugely welcome’ to take part in an NHS trial that will deploy the first at-home antiviral treatment for people with Covid-19 at risk of developing severe disease, NHS England has said.

18 November 2021

Covid booster jabs to be rolled out to over-40s

Covid booster vaccines will be extended to people aged over 40, following a new recommendation from the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI).

15 November 2021

Primary care ‘greatest cause of concern’, warn NHS leaders

Primary care is the ‘greatest area of concern’ in the health and care system, NHS leaders have warned, as the hospital waiting list has hit a record high.

11 November 2021

Covid booster vaccines not reaching eligible patients fast enough, scientists warn

The Government must speed up its Covid booster vaccine campaign if it to meet its target of offering all over-50s a third jab by Christmas, a group of UK scientists have warned.

06 November 2021

UK drugs regulator approves first Covid antiviral pill to be taken at home

UK medicine regulators have approved the first oral antiviral, which is to be taken at home twice daily by patients with at least one risk factor for developing severe Covid.

04 November 2021

Covid infection ‘carries greater risk of neurological complications than vaccines’

People run a greater risk of suffering neurological complications if they contract Covid than if they have a Covid vaccine, a new study has concluded.

26 October 2021

GPs on track to meet target to offer Covid boosters in all care homes by 1 November

Covid boosters have been booked or delivered at nine in 10 care homes in England, according to NHS England.

25 October 2021

No new Covid restrictions necessary as GP pressure currently ‘sustainable’, says Javid

The Government does not currently plan to introduce new Covid restrictions, despite a sharp rise in case numbers, with the health secretary saying this comes as pressure on the NHS – including GPs – is ‘not unsustainable’.

21 October 2021

PCR testing halted at laboratory amid fears around 43,000 false negatives

Covid testing has been halted at a private laboratory in the West Midlands amid fears that around 43,000 people have received false negative results.

15 October 2021

‘Serious errors’ in Government’s response to Covid pandemic, MPs conclude

There were ‘serious errors’ in the Government’s initial response to the Covid-19 pandemic, including lockdown delays and testing failures, MPs have ruled.

12 October 2021