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Search Results for: symptom sorter

Are your spidey senses tingling about that one patient?

Editor Jaimie Kaffash discusses improvements to Pulse Reference, a service to help GPs do what they do best I don’t think most people understand what GPs do.

20 February 2024

Why we set up Pulse Reference

Editor Jaimie Kaffash on Pulse’s new search tool that simplifies the symptoms presented in primary care A few months back, chatting with a GP, we were talking about what would help GPs in their consulting rooms.

21 September 2022

Pulse launches clinical service to support GPs in consultations

Pulse today launches a new service for GPs that allows them to check symptoms and receive potential diagnoses while in consultations.

20 September 2022

Computers? Say no


26 August 2020

Steriods ‘effective for three weeks’ in sinusitis

Intranasal corticosteroids are effective in reducing symptoms of acute sinusitis short-term, say the authors of a UK analysis.

08 June 2012

MHRA urges more checks on hip replacements after investigation exposes dangers of all-metal implants

The UK medicines regulator has recommended more frequent checks following hip replacement surgery, after an investigation found millions of patients may have been exposed to ‘dangerously’ high levels of toxic metals.

29 February 2012

Risk score enables GPs to spot serious child infections

Reduced skin turgor, high temperature and severe hypoxia are among several red flags signs that UK researchers, who have developed a risk scoring tool for use by GPs, say can help diagnose serious bacterial illnesses, such as meningitis.

03 February 2011