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Search Results for: covid test

Antigen testing


12 March 2021

GP presence ‘not essential’ at Covid vaccination sites, says NHSE

PCN Covid vaccination sites are no longer legally required to have a GP present at all times, NHS England has said.

09 March 2021

Patients aged 56-59 invited for Covid jab

The NHS has started inviting patients in England aged 56-59 for their Covid jab, as the vaccination programme is said to be in ‘full swing’.

08 March 2021

GP locums least likely to have received second Covid shot, says BMA

BMA data has revealed that GP locums are almost half as likely to have received their second Covid dose as GP partners.

08 March 2021

Covid jab second doses to be supported by national campaign

The delivery of second Covid vaccine doses will be supported by a national campaign encouraging the public to get their jab, NHS England has said.

04 March 2021

GPs told to record Covid vaccine wastage going forward

GP-led vaccination sites must start recording Covid vaccine wastage and stock levels on a weekly basis, NHS England has said.

03 March 2021

Budget freezes GP pension lifetime allowance and allocates money for Covid vaccines

The Government has frozen the lifetime allowance for GP pensions until at least 2025/26 in today’s budget statement.

03 March 2021

Hancock thanks GPs for ‘monumental effort’ during Covid pandemic

Health secretary Matt Hancock has thanked GPs for their ‘monumental effort’ in providing care and vaccinating patients during the Covid pandemic.

03 March 2021

UK may achieve 94% Covid vaccination coverage, ONS surveillance suggests

More than nine in 10 adults across the UK have either already been – or intend to be – vaccinated against Covid-19, the Office for National Statistics (ONS) has revealed.

02 March 2021