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Search Results for: covid test

Review PPE guidance for GP ‘hot zones’, say Covid aerosol researchers

PPE requirements for GPs working in Covid ‘hot zones’ need to be reviewed with the consideration of recommending higher-grade face masks, scientists studying aerosol transmission have told Pulse.

10 February 2021

Children will ‘almost certainly’ get Covid vaccine later this year, says JCVI expert

The Covid vaccine will ‘almost certainly’ be rolled out to children later in the year, a Government scientific adviser has said.

09 February 2021

Mixed-race people ‘three times less likely to have Covid jab’

White people are three times as likely to have had a Covid-19 vaccination compared those of mixed race, and twice as likely compared to black people, RCGP analysis of official data has shown.

08 February 2021

Oxford vaccine offers ‘minimal’ protection against South Africa Covid variant

A new study has suggested that the Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccine provides ‘minimal protection’ against mild to moderate infection with the South African variant of the virus.

08 February 2021

GPs could be delivering Covid variant booster shots ‘later this year’

GPs could be administering Covid variant ‘booster shots’ later this year if new strains make this necessary, as the UK Government has placed an order for an initial 50 million doses of modified vaccines.

05 February 2021

Government study to assess routine interchangeability of Covid vaccines

The Government has launched a new study on the interchangeability of Covid vaccines with a view to making the vaccination programme ‘more flexible’.

04 February 2021

Government antibody study finds most people immune for six months after Covid infection

Immunity against Covid-19 in previously infected individuals lasts at least six months in the vast majority of cases, according to the Government’s large-scale antibody study.

03 February 2021

GPs ‘still told to throw away Covid vaccines’, BMA claims

The BMA has said it is continuing to hear reports of CCGs ‘demanding that vaccines are thrown away’ rather than being given as second doses or to ‘other cohorts’.

02 February 2021

GPs urging Government to add a runny nose to list of Covid symptoms

GPs have called for the Government to include more symptoms in the official case definition of Covid, including a runny nose and a cold.

01 February 2021