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Search Results for: covid test

Let us champion the homeless in the league of Covid need

It’s an anathema to many health carers to adhere to a league table of need.

19 January 2021

Doctor raises £20k to legally challenge second dose Covid vaccine delay

A doctor is raising money to launch a legal challenge against the Government’s decision to extend the gap between Covid doses to 12 weeks, Pulse has learned.

19 January 2021

Government refuses to guarantee second Covid vaccine doses within 12 weeks

The Government has stopped short of guaranteeing that everybody will get their second dose of the Covid-19 vaccine within 12 weeks.

18 January 2021

Covid-19 reinfection ‘rare’ says NHS study but some may still pass the virus on

Antibodies from past Covid-19 infection provide 83% protection against reinfection for at least five months according to a large study of NHS staff which gives ‘the clearest picture yet’ of ongoing immunity.

14 January 2021

In full: NHS England letter on Covid vaccination in care homes

The next stage on Covid vaccination in older adult care homes To: CCGs, PCN local vaccination sites, NHSE/I regional teams and community health provider chief executives Dear colleagues, Thank you for the progress you have already made vaccinating care home residents and staff.

13 January 2021

PHE to study whether Covid vaccination prevents transmission

Public Health England will call upon GPs as it launches a study into the effects of Covid vaccination, including whether it stops virus transmission.

13 January 2021

Pfizer vaccine effective against new Covid variants, lab study suggests

Virus mutations recently discovered in the UK and South Africa ‘do not create resistance’ to the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine, the manufacturer has announced.

08 January 2021

GPs must be vaccinated against Covid ‘now’, warns BMA

The BMA has called for GPs and practice staff to be vaccinated by the end of January or ‘within two weeks’ if at high risk.

07 January 2021

Over half of GPs suffer worse mental health during Covid pandemic

The Covid-19 pandemic is taking a heavy toll on the mental health of GPs, according to a survey carried out by the BMA.

05 January 2021