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Search Results for: booster

Analysis: How immunisations are set to change

This year, GPs face yet more changes to a crowded schedule of vaccinations.

04 February 2013

Meningococcal B vaccine should be given to babies ‘at earliest opportunity’

Experts say there is a growing case for including a new meningococcal B vaccine at the ‘earliest opportunity‘ in the infant immunisation schedule after the first wide-scale trial showed good results.

21 January 2013

GPs to offer whooping cough vaccine to all pregnant women

GPs are to immunise more than 650,000 pregnant women a year against whooping cough to help stem the increasing rise in cases of the disease among newborns.

28 September 2012

Consider pertussis vaccination in six-week old babies, GPs advised

GPs have been told to advise parents to consider immunising their baby earlier against whooping cough to help stem the increasing rise in cases of the disease, say Department of Health advisers.

27 July 2012

GPs urged to report whooping cough cases

GPs have been urged by the Health Protection Agency to report cases of whooping cough quickly to stop the spread of infection, as the number of cases of the disease across the country continues to rise.

09 July 2012

Meningitis B vaccine ‘effective as part of child vaccine schedule’

A meningitis B vaccine could be added to the routine schedule for infant vaccines without affecting its immunogenicity, finds a large European study.

09 February 2012

RCGP warns meningitis C vaccine change could strip practices of payments

The RCGP’s immunisation lead has warned practices could be stripped of payments for childhood vaccines after Department of Health advisers recommended a meningitis C vaccine dose should be moved from the infant schedule and replaced with a booster in teenagers.

06 February 2012