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Search Results for: covid test

GPs should make ‘at least’ four Covid vaccine visits to care homes

GP teams delivering Covid vaccinations should visit care homes a ‘minimum’ of four times, NHS England has said.

11 December 2020

GPs to observe Covid vaccine patients for 15 minutes amid anaphylaxis precautions

GPs will have to observe all patients for at least 15 minutes following their injection with the Pfizer Covid vaccine, in light of reports it can cause anaphylaxis.

10 December 2020

CMOs warn GPs to prepare for Covid after effects of Christmas ‘social mixing’

The UK’s chief medical officers (CMOs) have warned GPs to be ‘ready’ for ‘additional pressures’ from Covid-19 resulting from the ‘social mixing’ set to occur over Christmas.

04 December 2020

In full: Notification letter for GPs to start Covid vaccines

Dear colleagues, Wave 1 mobilisation of the Primary Care COVID-19 Vaccination Programme 2020/21 Further to our letter of 1 December, we are writing to update you on the crucial role of general practice in the COVID-19 vaccination programme.

04 December 2020

PHE to update Covid vaccination guidance to include over-16s with health conditions

Exclusive Public Health England (PHE) will update its guidance to reflect new advice that over-16s with underlying health conditions should be vaccinated against Covid-19, Pulse has learned.

03 December 2020

GPs will not take part in first-stage deployment of Pfizer Covid vaccine, says Government

Only ‘hospital hubs’ will be able to administer the Pfizer Covid vaccine in the first instance, the Department of Health and Social Care has said.

02 December 2020

GPs to be prioritised for Covid vaccine based on clinical risk

GPs will be prioritised for Covid vaccination based on their personal risk level, exposure and amount of contact with vulnerable people, the Government’s vaccines advisory body has said.

02 December 2020

Care home residents ‘cannot get Pfizer Covid vaccine due to practical constraints’

It ‘will not be possible’ to vaccinate care home residents with the Pfizer Covid vaccine due to practical constraints, the Welsh Government has said.

02 December 2020

GPs set to start Covid vaccines by mid-December as medicines regulator gives approval

GPs could start vaccinating patients within the next two weeks after the medicines regulator approved the vaccine developed by Pfizer.

02 December 2020

Covid vaccines can be used interchangeably if necessary, says PHE

Different types of Covid vaccines can be used interchangeably if giving two doses of the same version is not possible, Public Health England (PHE) has said.

30 November 2020