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Search Results for: covid test

Covid: People with learning disabilities had ‘six times higher’ death rate

People with learning disabilities in England were up to six times more likely to die from Covid-19 during the first wave of the pandemic, research has found.

16 November 2020

NHS England to launch 40 GP-staffed ‘long Covid’ clinics ‘within weeks’

NHS England has announced that more than 40 ‘long Covid’ clinics are to open across the country ‘within weeks’.

16 November 2020

Covid vaccine patients will not need lengthy observation, says NHS England

GP sites administering Covid vaccinations will only need to observe patients for any immediate negative reactions, NHS England has said.

13 November 2020

LMCs: ‘Impossible’ Covid vaccine DES requirements will put GPs at ‘contractual risk’

The ‘impossible’ requirements of the proposed Covid vaccination DES risk putting GP practices ‘contractually at risk’, LMCs have warned in a strongly worded document.

13 November 2020

One in 80 people currently infected with Covid

Covid infections are rapidly increasing with ‘over one in 80’ now affected, the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) has today announced.

12 November 2020

One in five Covid survivors diagnosed with mental illness, finds study

People who are diagnosed with Covid-19 are more likely to develop mental illness, a study has found.

12 November 2020

Staff Covid outbreaks close more GP practices

Several GP practices have been forced to close their doors to patients following major outbreaks of Covid, including one practice in Kent which has 24 staff members in isolation.

11 November 2020

New £150m Covid fund to cover all additional GP costs until March

The £150m fund NHS England will inject to keep GP services running throughout the Covid vaccination campaign is the sum of additional pandemic funding for practices ‘until March’, NHS England has clarified.

11 November 2020

Q&A: What we know about the Covid vaccine DES (Updated 7 January)

Pulse’s Q&A focuses on what the Covid vaccine DES means for GPs based on what we know.

10 November 2020

In full: Covid-19 vaccination programme

The BMA GP committee England and NHSEI have agreed a DES (direct enhanced service) for general practice to lead the delivery of the CVP (COVID-19 vaccination programme).

09 November 2020