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Search Results for: covid test

GPs to be told how to claim reimbursement for Covid PPE ‘shortly’, says NHSE

NHS England will ‘shortly’ announce the process for GP practices to claim reimbursement for their Covid-19 PPE, it has said.

27 October 2020

Government antibody study points to short-lived Covid protection

The number of people with Covid-19 antibodies fell more than a quarter over three months this summer, according to the findings of the Government’s antibody testing programme.

27 October 2020

Sending patients for a Covid swab: the clinical grey areas

Dr Helen Shires talks about when GPs should advise patients to get a swab while the testing system is under strain With the Covid testing system currently stretched, GPs may feel pressure to refrain from advising some patients to get a swab test.

26 October 2020

New Covid shielding algorithm identifies being male and BAME among top risk factors

The Government’s long-awaited Covid-19 risk algorithm has identified a black, Asian and minority ethnic (BAME) background as one of the top risk factors, alongside being male and aged over 70.

21 October 2020

GMC to continue face-to-face PLAB tests in Manchester despite tier 3 lockdown

Exclusive GP examiners have expressed concerns over GMC plans to continue to carry out face-to-face PLAB 2 exams in Manchester, despite new guidance against travelling in or out of the city due to high Covid-19 rates.

20 October 2020

MP calls for GPs to run NHS test and trace system

GPs and local health services should be handed the keys to run the NHS test and trace system, as their ‘local expertise’ and knowledge will mean they ‘can do a better job’, an MP has said.

19 October 2020

Long Covid can be split into four different syndromes, review suggests

‘Long Covid’ could be four separate syndromes, academics have found, warning that the wide-ranging symptoms mean some people are not being believed or treated.

16 October 2020

Plans for expanded workforce to deliver unlicensed Covid vaccine become law

New laws that will see midwives and paramedics administer vaccines and grant the MHRA powers to approve an unlicensed Covid vaccine are being introduced today.

16 October 2020

GPs could begin to see resolution to blood test crisis ‘next week’

Exclusive GPs may begin to see a ‘more normal’ service with labs able to process blood tests from next week, according to the company at the centre of the ongoing crisis.

15 October 2020

NHSPS hikes GP practice service charges to meet ‘Covid-related’ costs

NHS Property Services (NHSPS) is to increase service charges for GP practices in England to meet Covid-related costs, the BMA has said.

14 October 2020