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Search Results for: covid test

Jeremy Hunt to lead inquiry into Covid management including PPE

A new Covid inquiry is to gather evidence from GPs on the Government’s response to the coronavirus pandemic, including its provision of PPE and testing, Pulse has learned.

08 October 2020

GPs told to warn patients they may need to re-take blood tests

Exclusive GPs across London have been told that patients who have already taken blood tests may need to re-take them, following supply issues exclusively revealed by Pulse yesterday.

07 October 2020

GPs to staff ‘long Covid’ specialist clinics backed by £10m

GPs are set to staff specialist clinics to diagnose and treat patients with ‘long Covid’ across England, backed by £10m of local funding, NHS England has said.

07 October 2020

Labs tell GPs they can only process ‘urgent’ tests due to supply issue

Exclusive GP practices have been told that laboratories can only carry out the most ‘urgent’ testing for a range of conditions including HIV, heart disease and prostate cancer.

06 October 2020

Nearly 50k Covid contacts untraced amid PHE ‘technical issue’

Public Health England (PHE) discovered a ‘technical issue’ on Friday evening that meant 15,841 positive coronavirus test results were not included in the reported daily cases over the previous eight days.

05 October 2020

NICE set to publish rapid guideline on ‘long Covid’

GPs will get access to dedicated advice for how to treat patients suffering with the long-term effects of Covid-19.

05 October 2020

GPs to refer ‘straight to test’ at ‘one-stop-shop’ diagnostic centres

GPs will be able to refer patients directly for diagnostic tests at new community diagnostic hubs, NHS England has revealed.

01 October 2020

How should GPs approach a consultation with a patient complaining of ‘brain fog’ after Covid-19 infection?

Advice from a Consultant Neurologist This information is sourced from Dr Michael Zandi, Consultant Neurologist Q.

01 October 2020

GPs need Covid funding and CQC pause to cope with second wave, warns BMA

GP practices will not cope with a second wave of Covid-19 unless practices receive more funding for costs, more support for staff and a reduction in bureaucracy, the BMA has warned in a new report.

30 September 2020

Test and trace is failing – we need GPs’ expertise to make it work

The NHS’s test and trace system isn’t working.

29 September 2020