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Search Results for: covid test

GPs told to open up appointment book for 111 direct booking of Covid patients

GPs practices must free up appointments for direct booking by NHS 111’s Covid-19 assessment service from today.

15 April 2020

GPs ‘strongly discouraged’ from prescribing antimalarials for Covid-19

GPs are ‘strongly discouraged’ from prescribing antimalarial drugs to treat Covid-19 while clinical trials are ongoing, NHS England has said.

09 April 2020

GP practices mourn nurse who died with Covid-19

GPs are mourning their practice nurse, Alice Kit Tak Ong, who died yesterday after testing positive for coronavirus (Covid-19).

08 April 2020

GPs told to share Covid-19 patient information with Government

GPs have been asked to share confidential coronavirus (Covid-19) patient information with the Government, while ensuring they adhere to data protection regulations ‘within reason’.

07 April 2020

GPs lacking ‘hot hub’ access advised to set up Covid-19 zones in their practices

GP practices that do not have a ‘hot hub’ within their PCN should set up ‘hot’ and ‘cold’ zones within the practice, NHS England has said.

07 April 2020