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Search Results for: covid test

GPs issuing 9.5% more fit notes than before the pandemic

GPs are issuing more fit notes than before the pandemic, the latest data revealed, with workload implications for practices.

09 November 2022

NHSPS practices receive letters ‘pressuring’ them to ‘settle’ disputes over service charges

GP practices housed in NHS Property Services (NHSPS) premises have received letters pressuring them into settling disputes with their landlord over service charges, the BMA has revealed.

09 November 2022

ICB reinstates face mask wearing across GP practices and other healthcare providers

Humber and North Yorkshire Integrated Care Board has reinstated face mask wearing across all health providers, including GP practices, to prevent the spread of Covid.

01 November 2022

How to look at data

PCNs hold some of the richest data in health and care which can tell us a great deal about our local populations and their needs.

31 October 2022

Flu rising in children but vaccine uptake down compared with last year

Health officials are urging parents to vaccinate their children against flu amidst low uptake and rising cases.

28 October 2022

Northern Ireland announces £3m enhanced service for GP practices this winter

The Northern Irish health minister has introduced a new £3 million enhanced service, which will focus on managing demand around bank holidays as a part of the country’s winter preparation plan.

28 October 2022

Five things PCNs should know about Prostate Cancer when delivering the DES

The 2022/23 Primary Care Network DES marks a significant shift in NHS practice around prostate cancer, requiring a ‘plan to increase the proactive and opportunistic assessment of patients for a potential cancer diagnosis in population cohorts where referral rates have not recovered to their pre-pandemic baseline’.

28 October 2022

Face-to-face GP appointments reach highest level since February 2020

Last month saw the highest proportion of GP appointments delivered face to face since before the pandemic, with under one-third carried out remotely.

27 October 2022

RCGP advises practices delay NHS app records access

The RCGP has advised GP practices to consider delaying automatic access to records via the NHS app on the grounds of patient safety.

25 October 2022

New nationwide falls service to refer to GPs by January

All integrated care systems will be required to have a community-based falls service that covers the whole region and operates 8am-8pm seven days a week by the end of this year.

20 October 2022