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Search Results for: covid test

How to care for vulnerable migrants using population health management

Recent waves of immigration from Afghanistan and Ukraine have highlighted the importance of primary care in looking after vulnerable migrants.

01 September 2022

Digital GP provider Babylon ends long-term acute trust partnerships

Babylon is ending its high-profile partnerships with two large acute trusts, board meeting papers have confirmed.

25 August 2022

GP practices deliver highest proportion of face-to-face appointments since start of pandemic

GP practices in England delivered the highest proportion of face-to-face appointments last month since March 2020, the latest figures reveal.

25 August 2022

PM frontrunner Truss plans to relax GP pension tax charges 

Prime Ministerial candidate Liz Truss has pledged to relax GP pension tax charges in a bid to stem the exodus of doctors from the NHS, it has been reported.

23 August 2022

GPs could prescribe help with energy bills under Government proposals

GPs could be tasked with prescribing money off energy bills for their most vulnerable patients, under proposals put forward by the Treasury to tackle the cost-of-living crisis.

22 August 2022

Free vape starter kit helped 42% of patients quit smoking in GP-based trial

Handing out vape starter kit vouchers on the NHS could help even the heaviest smokers quit for good, with 42% quitting within a month in a trial scheme.

19 August 2022

GPs invited to give views on draft national vaccination strategy plans

NHS England has invited GPs to share their views on plans for a new national vaccination strategy, saying it expects Covid jabs to become a ‘seasonal service’.

19 August 2022

Focus on Omicron when booster jab campaign launches on 5 September

GPs have been told to start delivering the autumn Covid booster campaign from 5 September, with patients set to receive Moderna’s new Omicron booster jab.

18 August 2022

NHSE restarting GP list cleansing despite BMA bureaucracy concerns

NHS England has asked Capita to restart GP patient list cleansing, despite concerns raised by the BMA that it is a ‘bureaucratic burden’ for practices.

18 August 2022

People with dementia ‘face up to two-year wait for diagnosis’

People with dementia face waits of up to two years for a diagnosis because memory clinics are ‘chronically underfunded and overlooked’, an audit has found.

17 August 2022