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Search Results for: covid test

BMA in ‘discussions’ over ‘whether GP practices will be involved’ in polio campaign

The BMA’s GP Committee has said it is having ‘urgent conversations’ with NHS England around whether GP practices in Greater London will take part in the polio vaccination campaign.

17 August 2022

‘Scale and timing’ of polio booster campaign causes ‘substantial’ GP workload concerns

London GP leaders have expressed ‘substantial concern’ over the ‘scale and timing’ of the urgent polio booster plan, and the effect on practice workload.

11 August 2022

Don’t go to GP with monkeypox symptoms, patients told

NHS England has urged patients not to visit their GP if they have monkeypox symptoms.

02 August 2022

NHS England hopes to find 50k untreated hepatitis C patients in GP records

A three-month pilot programme will search GP records in the hope of finding 50,000 patients with hepatitis C who are not receiving treatment.

28 July 2022

NHS primary care medical director takes new role

NHS England’s medical director of primary care Dr Nikki Kanani is leaving her role to join NHS England’s chief delivery office team as director for clinical integration, initially on secondment.

28 July 2022

Increased GP clinical negligence claims not due to ‘declining medical standards’

An increase in GP clinical negligence claims is ‘not an indication of declining medical standards’, GP medical defence experts have said in response to new data.

27 July 2022

Common virus behind rise in child hepatitis cases, research confirms

The common adeno-associated virus 2 (AAV2 virus) has been found to be the cause of a recent rise in acute hepatitis cases in children, with any link to Covid ruled out.

25 July 2022

Burnout rates increase among GP trainers, finds GMC survey

Burnout rates have increased among GP trainers, the GMC’s annual training survey has revealed.

19 July 2022

Caring for patients and the planet

Dr Matt Sawyer describes a typical week running a sustainability consultancy alongside GP clinics MondayThe week starts as usual, with conventional GP work.

14 July 2022

Four in ten GP neurology referrals rejected after virtual triage introduced

A new virtual triage system in Nottingham has led to a huge increase in neurology referrals being rejected or returned to the GP with advice.

14 July 2022