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Search Results for: covid test

GPs urged to screen asymptomatic patients on metformin for B12 deficiency

GPs should consider periodic vitamin B12 testing of higher-risk patients who take metformin, even if they don’t display symptoms of deficiency, the UK medicines regulator has said.

23 June 2022

Labour calls for ‘crisis’ debate amid drop in GP numbers

The Labour Party has called for an urgent debate in Parliament on the ‘crisis’ in primary care, amid falling GP numbers.

21 June 2022

BMA will support GP practices that continue requesting patients wear masks

The BMA has said it ‘will support’ any GP practice that continues to ask patients and staff to wear face masks.

21 June 2022

RSV vaccine offers ‘exceptional protection’ for older adults, trial suggests

A respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) vaccine candidate ‘offers exceptional protection’ for older adults, GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) has announced following phase III clinical trials.

20 June 2022

Longest waits cut but overall elective waiting list reaches new record high

The NHS has cut the number of people waiting more than two years for elective care but the overall waiting list has continued to grow to record levels, the latest figures show.

16 June 2022

High-street pharmacies to assess cancers and refer patients for investigation

Community pharmacies in England will be asked to spot early signs of cancer and be able to refer patients directly for scans as part of an NHS pilot.

15 June 2022

GP practices could be forced to pay huge service charges as NHSPS wins in High Court

GP practices could be forced to pay huge service charges after the High Court ruled in favour of NHS Property Services (NHSPS) in a landmark case.

14 June 2022

GPs set to prescribe new drug for prevention of strokes and heart attacks under NICE plans

GPs are set to prescribe a new NICE-recommended drug shown to prevent strokes and heart attacks in those with raised blood fat that could benefit hundreds of thousands of patients.

14 June 2022

Government considering ‘mandating’ patient access to GP records

The Government is considering ‘mandating’ access for patients to their GP records, as is done in the United States, it has announced.

13 June 2022

GPs demand IPSO investigation after Mail claims A&E crisis is ‘fuelled by GPs’

GP leaders have been outraged by a tabloid claim that GPs have ‘fuelled’ a crisis in England’s A&E departments.

10 June 2022