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Search Results for: covid test

Letter: Vaccinate the world


11 February 2022

GP practices should still look at redeploying unvaccinated staff, says BMA

GP practices must risk assess unvaccinated staff and consider whether they should be placed in non-patient-facing roles, despite the scrapping of the Covid vaccine mandate.

11 February 2022

Death certification

An summary of updated guidance and ethical considerations during the pandemic This information is sourced from NHS England, the RCGP and the UK Government: Some changes to death certification rules made through the Coronavirus Act 2020 have now been made permanent, while two have been reversed, since the Act expired in March 2022.

11 February 2022

GPs incentivised through £10m ‘advice and guidance’ expansion, says elective plan

GPs’ role in tackling the NHS hospital backlog will focus on the use of ‘advice and guidance’ (A&G), the long-awaited elective recovery plan has suggested.

08 February 2022

GPs compensated £1.5m for pension contribution errors last year

The Treasury has approved £1.

08 February 2022

Over half of patients on methotrexate report three or more side effects

Researchers have profiled the side effects reported by people taking methotrexate to provide patients with more information on what to expect.

07 February 2022

Overmedicalisation remains the easy route

A quote from Pulse’s February cover feature has stuck with me.

07 February 2022

Concern after figures show drop in children fully vaccinated with MMR

UK public health officials are calling on parents to ensure children have had their MMR vaccines as uptake falls to the lowest level for a decade.

03 February 2022

Substantial fall in diabetic health checks as GPs reprioritised during pandemic

The proportion of patients with type 2 diabetes who have had recommended health checks has fallen substantially, provisional data from 2021 suggests, as have the numbers hitting key disease control targets.

02 February 2022

Government looks to deploy expired PPE as £8.7bn lost from stock bought last year

The Government is looking to extend the shelf-life of expired PPE as a report has revealed that it incurred losses of £8.

01 February 2022