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The Institute of General Practice Management (IGPM) has extended its accreditation scheme to cover primary care network (PCN) managers following high demand.
The scheme, launched in 2022, gives practice managers and now PCN managers the opportunity to obtain professional status and be part of an influential representative and campaigning body.
Applicants who pass the assessment will be awarded Member of the Institute of General Practice Management (MIGPM) status.
The IGPM accreditation framework has been adapted for PCN managers recognising that role is different to a practice manager role in a number of ways, the organisation said.
It consists of 10 separate areas or domains in which applicants must be able to demonstrate proficiency in. These include qualifications and achievements; workforce; leadership; estate and facilities management; working with other organisations and service providers (for example, around Investment and Impact Fund work); and financial proficiency (for example, with respect to ARRS budget spend).
A panel of three trained assesors use a closed marking system to score each applicant against the 10 domains.
Applications can be submitted for assessment during January, May and September and need to be accompanied by two references.
To be eligible to apply, PCN managers must have held that role for two years or more.
General practice is an ever-changing landscape and the breadth of roles within primary care continues to extend, the IGPM said.
Sarah Cole, PCN representative for the IGPM, and a PCN manager in Bristol, said: ‘It’s wonderful the IGPM recognises the role of the PCN Manager and have tailored the accreditation process to allow us to celebrate our skills.’
She explained that she found the accreditation process ‘much easier’ than she had anticipated.
‘It enabled me to reflect on my career achievements to date and think about how I want to develop in the future. Having achieved my accreditation means colleagues and contemporaries know I work to a high standard and always strive for excellence.’
Everyone who goes through the MIGPM process has access to support from their peers in the IGPM WhatsApp groups (including a dedicated PCN group, and an accreditation group), a closed Facebook group and both their regional representative and the PCN representative.
A webinar with more information about the benefits of being part of the IGPM for a PCN Manager, can be found here.
This story first appeared on our sister title, Management in Practice .