Prior planning and leadership
- It may be more efficient and cost effective to provide immunisation across a number of providers, pooling resources and sites
- A single clinical lead should be appointed to take responsibility for coordinating planning and delivery
- There may be additional regulatory requirements if the lead practice or host is delivering vaccinations outside their usual premises.
Choosing location
- Consider the best setting, eg: GP surgery; pharmacy; larger community health facility; school halls, council gym or village facilities; drive-through;
- Indoor and outdoor queuing may be considered, however additional consideration may be needed in cold or inclement weather. It may be appropriate to have a ‘fast-track’ queue for vulnerable patients.
- Other factors include digital infrastructure and record keeping, facilities for infection prevention and control and transport/traffic management
Checklist of equipment requirements
- Furniture (chairs, tables, screens); crowd barriers; refrigeration;
- IT (computers, broadband); power supply;
- Waste disposal (general, clinical, sharps);
- PPE;
- Welfare (rest area, catering/refreshments including beverages and lunch provision);
- Vaccination equipment and supplies;
- Additional medical equipment (couch, resuscitation and diagnostic);
- Screening and lighting for staff rest areas and for patients taken ill;
- Clear signage both outside a venue and inside, directing patients where to go.
Checklist of layout requirements
- Flow of patients (separation of entrance and exits)
- Reception & triage space (to identify patients and assess any who are unwell)
- Queueing space (maintaining social distancing as far as possible)
- Fast-track route (for patients with limited mobility or additional requirements)
- Toilets
- Hand washing facilities for both patients and staff
- Emergency / first aid area
- Secure equipment storage, including for vaccine stocks, PPE and IT equipment
RCGP, Delivering Mass Vaccinations During COVID-19A, Logistical Guide for General Practice