Potential new QOF indicators
1. The percentage of patients with diabetes who have had the following care processes performed in the preceding 12 months:
•BMI measurement
•BP measurement
•HbA1c measurement
•Cholesterol measurement
•Record of smoking status
•Foot examination
•Albumin: creatinine ratio
•Serum creatinine measurement
2.The percentage of patients with a new diagnosis of hypertension in the preceding 1st April to 31st March who have a record of urinary albumin: creatinine ratio test in the three months before or after the date of entry to the hypertension register.
3.The percentage of patients with a new diagnosis of hypertension in the preceding 1st April to 31st March who have a record of a test for haematuria in the three months before or after the date of entry to the hypertension register.
4. The percentage of patients with a new diagnosis of hypertension in the preceding 1st April to 31st March who have a record of a 12 lead ECG performed in the three months before or after the date of entry to the hypertension register.
5. The percentage of patients with a new diagnosis of hypertension in the preceding 1st April to 31st March who have been screened for hazardous or harmful alcohol consumption using a validated tool in the three months before or after the date of entry on the hypertension register.
6. The percentage of patients with a new diagnosis of hypertension in the preceding 1st April to 31st March who screen positive for hazardous or harmful alcohol consumption who have been given personalised feedback on their AUDIT score and a patient information leaflet about their level of alcohol related risk or harm within three months of the AUDIT score being recorded.
7. The percentage of patients aged 65 years and over who are prescribed 10 or more medications that have had a face to face medication review in the preceding 12 months
8. The percentage of women with schizophrenia, bipolar affective disorder or other psychoses under the age of 45 years who have been given information and advice about pregnancy, conception or contraception tailored to their pregnancy and contraceptive intentions recorded in the preceding 12 months.
9. The percentage of women with schizophrenia, bipolar affective disorder or other psychoses aged 45 years or less who have been prescribed psychotropic medication in the preceding 12 months who have been advised of the risks of these medications during pregnancy in the preceding 12 months.
10. The percentage of patients with COPD recorded as having an exacerbation in the preceding 12 months who have been given a course of antibiotics and corticosteroids (rescue pack) as part of a personalised future exacerbation self-management strategy in the preceding 12 months
Click here to read the consultation document in full.