The Government offer
- 1.9% increase to core funding;
- ‘Very modest’ increase in the overall ARRS allocation;
- Confirmation that GP employer NHS contributions will remain unchanged (at 14.38%) despite the employer scheme contribution rising by 3.1%;
- Suspension of a number of QOF indicators and an increase in the percentage aspiration payment;
- Further reduction in IIF indicators;
- Confirmation of the current eight service specifications within the PCN DES being aggregated within an overarching specification;
- Recruitment changes within the ARRS programme (nurses to be included);
- Changes in the arrangements for vaccination and immunisation data recording;
- Changes in the wording of the regulations in relation to patient registration arrangements, the Armed Forces Veterans offer, continuity of care and electronic records.
GPC demands
- Uplift by inflation the vaccination IoS fees and certain Statement of Financial Entitlement payments;
- Ringfence a proportion of current spend for dedicated purposes, such as GP supervisory tasks, or the Enhanced Health in Care Home beds premium;
- Allowing GPs with extended roles to be recruited via the ARRS;
- Inflation-linked core contract increase.
Source: Letter from deputy GPCE chair Dr Julius Parker to Surrey & Sussex LMCs
HMG not even prepared to agree to a rather lame timid tepid list of GPC demands of around 4% increase, ringfencing niche tasks and allowing ARRS GP recruitment? The demands of a thouroughly defeated and browbeaten profession who will simply aquiesce and continue down this relentless decline