This feature explains how to recruit and keep a good practice manager including:
- Negotiating for your PM to stay on at your practice for longer
- Finding non-NHS candidates for the role
- Carrying out and efficient recruitment process.
After reading these articles you will be asked to record your learning points and some action points to earn a suggested 1 CPD credit. Below are some suggested questions to reflect on as you work through the module:
- Is there any flexibility in your current practice manager’s plans to move on? Are there any incentives that could be utilised to encourage him/her to stay?
- Do you have a transition plan to facilitate the introduction of a new manager?
- Are there internal candidates who might be suitable? What would be the pros and cons of appointing internally?
- What future changes should you factor in when considering the future role of your manager e.g. merging, federating?
- Should you make your new practice manager a partner?
- Have you considered where you should advertise?
- Have you a clear plan and structure for the interview and selection process?