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Q&A: Preparing reports for criminal injuries compensation

The Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority (CICA) is a government body that provides compensation to blameless victims of violent crime. We rely on evidence from the medical authorities to help us in our work.

As a result of the Government consultation ‘Getting it right for Victims and Witness’, the Criminal Injuries Compensation Scheme was revised on 27 November 2012.  

Under the new provisions of the 2012 scheme the applicant must now obtain and pay for the initial medical evidence.   

What’s the new process for filling in TCX1s?

To ensure suitable information is requested, the CICA will send the applicant a blank medical report to take to their GP to complete (TCX1).  The applicant is expected to pay the GP/Practice for the completion of the report at the usual rate of £39 and up to a maximum value of £50 (inclusive of VAT).  The completed report should be returned direct from the GP to the CICA.  

How can I help patients who can’t meet the cost themselves?

Where an applicant cannot afford to meet the cost of the initial medical report, the CICA will send the applicant a blank medical report to take to their GP to complete (TCX2).  The completed report including the payment voucher should be returned direct from the GP to CICA.  On receipt the CICA will ensure payment is made for the report.  

What if the patient can’t see the GP for medical reasons?

Where an applicant cannot obtain the report due to a medical condition that prohibits them from attending their GP, the CICA will issue the TCX2 direct to the GP.  The completed report including the payment voucher should be returned direct from the GP to CICA.  On receipt the CICA will ensure payment is made for the report.  

The patient has remarked their compensation has had the cost of the report deducted. Why would this be?

Where the CICA is required to pay for the initial medical evidence, the value of the initial report will be deducted from any award of compensation given.  Any follow up reports requested will be done so direct by the CICA and will continue to be processed in the normal manner.

Gillian Paton is the relationship manager for Midlands & North East Regions of the Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority.

Further information on the Scheme can be found on our website at If you have any questions about the new provision, please contact us on 0141 331 5495 or alternatively email our relationship managers; [email protected]