This site is intended for health professionals only

How do I advertise in Pulse magazine?

Online Advertising

Online advertising can offer you a range of different exposure options aimed at maximising your business opportunities. Utilising our digital network we are able to offer a range of different combinations for your campaign.

Pulse has a variety of different options for your print advertising. Backed by 50 years experience in the business, Pulse print media gives your business an opportunity to market your products or services to a loyal, engaged readership of GPs and Healthcare Professionals.

To discuss all your online, print and classified advertising needs please contact:

Commercial director, Emma Green

T 020 7214 0578 E [email protected]

Publication Information: Print and online

Pulse is the UK’s leading medical monthly publication, counting more than 70% of GPs among our regular readers, and as a result our website is a must-visit web destination for GPs and other primary care professionals.

Pulse magazine was launched in 1960 as an all-purpose toolkit for general practice, designed to keep GPs up to date with the latest practical information about their work

Pulse offers comprehensive coverage of news affecting GPs and practice staff, from clinical advances to the latest political developments. Our stories are regularly picked up by the national media and we pride ourselves on investigations and generating exclusives.

We also provide GPs with high quality clinical features written by experts in their field. These are designed to be practical and to keep GPs on top of the latest developments in clinical practice. Our business content is equally focused on delivering practical advice to GPs on how to run their practice and to help with personal finance issues. contains all of this content and more, with extra features such as practical downloadable resources, NHS and non-NHS fees and an Ask the Expert service allowing users to get their questions answered.


Pulse is part of the medical division of Cogora Ltd.

Cogora runs, the dedicated search engine for health professionals. By searching only the medical sites the GPs, nurses, pharmacists and medical students tell us are most important to them, SearchMedica ensures you can find what you’re looking for faster more easily than on any generic search engine.

Cogora also runs Pulse Learning. This dedicated online learning  website provides CPD content for GPs. Our CPD modules cover a wide range of clinical, practice business and commissioning topics. You can earn CPD credits for the modules you complete and your certificates and learning points will be automatically stored in your Pulse Learning CPD log. With Pulse Learning, you can identify your weak spots, fill your knowledge gaps – and record all your learning in your CPD log.