Professor Helen Lester, a GP in Birmingham, moves from up and coming to the big time as the GP who – more than anyone – is reshaping the QOF.
Last year, 5th, up-and-coming list
Professor Lester is one of the UK's most respected primary care academic researchers and oversees the juggernaut that is the piloting process for potential new indicators on behalf of NICE, attempting to moderate the Government's desire to focus it more heavily on outcomes.
A GP in Birmingham and professor of primary care mental at the University of Birmingham, Professor Lester also juggles an impressive number of other tasks – she runs the practice accreditation pilots for the RCGP, and is the college's commissioning lead for mental health.
This list appeared as part of Pulse's top 50 influential GPs 2011. Click here to see the rest of the list, and the top 20 influential non-GPs.