Dr James Kingsland narrowly missed out on our top 20 last time around, but he is in at number 11 this year after being appointed by the DH to the influential role of special adviser on commissioning, providing him with a direct line to Mr Lansley.
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Dr Kingsland is known for his confident, entrepreneurial approach, but he has also showed considerable political skill in gaining such an influential Government role, after also forging close links with the previous administration.
Dr Kingsland is a respected figurehead for commissioning enthusiasts, as a former chair and current president of the National Association of Primary Care – although he has faced some criticism for simultaneously holding both DH and NAPC roles.
He also holds roles with NICE and on the Government's scientific advisory group on prostate cancer risk.
This list appeared as part of Pulse's top 50 influential GPs 2011. Click here to see the rest of the list, and the top 20 influential non-GPs.