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Dr Kerry Boardman is the trainer’s trainer. As the teacher development lead for undergraduate medical education in the community team at King’s College London, her work focuses on developing teaching skills in GPs, working with other teacher-trainers, and presenting work at conferences in order to encourage and educate future GPs. She supports hundreds of GP tutors throughout London and the South East through her regular teacher-development workshops.
This year the Kent GP launched a ‘Mastering Teaching Skills’ course for tutors. Accredited by the Academy of Medical Educators, it has already seen its first GP graduate.
Dr Boardman has also influenced thousands of medical students through the introduction of a GP placement for students in their first clinical year at King’s, reasoning that this is when students often find their compassion and patient orientation challenged.
She is currently undertaking research into training of undergraduate medical students, and has called for all trainees to have the opportunity to teach.
Dr Boardman, who is a practising GP, says her highlight of the year is seeing four of her tutees and 12 of her undergraduate students graduate this summer
What others say ‘As a colleague, she is as kind as she is to her patients. I for one couldn’t do without her and her crazy crocheting’