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11. Dr Colin Hunter

UP 21

A fast riser in our charts, Dr Colin Hunter has gained prominence this year both as RCGP treasurer and as the man presiding over the clinical domain of the QOF.

Described by one of our panel as the ‘canny power behind the throne' at the RCGP, he has led on the development of the college's new headquarters in London and helped keep it on an even keel financially.

With his QOF hat on, he labours over the wording of indicators and scrutinises the results from pilots. As chair of the independent NICE advisory committee that oversees the QOF, he faces mounting pressure from the Government and patient groups for a QOF that incentivises GPs for outcomes as well as processes.

This year, the NICE committee recommended the introduction of indicators on rheumatoid arthritis and biopsychosocial assessments and the removal of 14 existing indicators – to a mixed reaction from GPs.

With the GPC making clear it will be pushing to retain the QOF status quo, the Aberdeen GP admits he faces a difficult balancing act: ‘The challenge will be to keep the QOF relevant for GPs and to present good information to negotiators.'


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