Dr Mohammed Jiva comes in at number 18 in the 2013 Pulse Power 50. He is a new entry in the list.
Dr Mohammed Jiva piloted the UK’s first supermarket surgery with Sainsbury’s and this led a national rollout. Now he is pioneering expanded access to general practice in a bid to ease the burden on A&E.
A GP in Middleton, Manchester, and secretary of Rochdale and Bury LMC, Dr Jiva has secured central funding for GPs to open later and at weekends.
Dr Jiva and colleagues have also developed new software, in conjunction with the local acute trust, to create a ‘care diary’ that allows triage nurses in A&E to book up appointments with several different providers, including the evening and weekend GP clinics.
He says: ‘Feedback and support from colleagues and patients is a strong driver in exploring new innovative ways to develop and deliver new local models of healthcare delivery. Success delivery is reinforcement to making further progress.
‘The last decade has been a rollercoaster ride with a number of organisational changes. In the current climate the only thing for certain is that more change is on the horizon.’