Dr Joanne Reeve comes in at number 26 in the 2013 Pulse Power 50. She is a new entry in the list.
A rising star in academic general practice, Dr Joanne Reeve is described by our panel as a ‘leading thinker on medical generalism’.
A salaried GP in Liverpool and a clinical scientist in primary care with the National Institute for Health Research, she was appointed chair of the Society for Academic Primary Care this year after the death in March of the previous incumbent, Professor Helen Lester.
Her best moments of the past year have been ‘the many inspiring conversations with a large number of people’ that have stimulated her curiosity and creativity.
She likes to solve problems, likening her academic work as travelling along the yellow brick road.
She says: ‘The end point (the Emerald Palace, including all its ‘disappointments’) is perhaps less important than the learning that comes on route with other people (though not necessarily a scarecrow, tin man and lion!).’