dr hogg david 3 x2
This Arran GP’s support for remote and rural practice has been lauded by fellow GPs. Dr Hogg set up RuralGP.com and RuralGP.scot several years ago to demystify what it’s like to practise in the most remote corners of the country. The former now surpasses 100,000 visits a year and has been of huge benefit to the health of patients living in corners of the UK underserved by secondary care.
The Rural GP Association of Scotland, which Dr Hogg chairs, enjoyed the best-ever attendance for its annual conference this year. He highlights new materials on working with LGBTQA+ patients as one of the ways the site has managed to connect with an international audience in Canada, Australia and New Zealand, where national GP conferences have adapted the resources to their needs.
Dr Hogg, also a Pulse blogger, works three clinical days a week and a 1:8 on-call rota – ‘very much at the coalface’. Indeed, his proudest professional achievement this year was, he says, managing two young patients through mental health problems: ‘As ever, the satisfaction in providing effective GP care for patients trumps other professional activities.’
He is writing several articles for the medical press including one with Norwegian colleagues on rural GPs’ role in emergency care.
What others say ‘He is a wonderful force for rural GPs. He tries his utmost best for rural general practice’