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31. Sir John Oldham

Sir John Oldham comes in at number 31 in the 2013 Pulse Power 50. He has risen nine places from last year’s list.

After leaving his post as national clinical lead for quality and productivity at the Department of Health, Sir John Oldham has shot back up our list this year as chair of Labour’s independent commission on whole-person care

The commission, which is investigating ways to integrate care, was set up by Labour leader Ed Miliband in April. Retired GP Sir John says he aims to ‘create a credible, pragmatic plan for whole-person care which comes from the citizen’s viewpoint but gains support from key stakeholders in the health and care system’. Although it is looking at some controversial ideas.

It was Sir John who first set out the targets that formed the basis of the QOF’s quality and productivity indicators and he is also one of several adjunct professors at Lord Darzi’s Institute of Global Health Innovation at Imperial College London.

He says his best moment this year has been his 60th birthday party in Manchester Town Hall with family and friends from school onwards, who had travelled from US , Norway, Sweden and Denmark. ‘If you judge someone’s wealth by their friends, I felt like a billionaire,’ he says.



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