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36. Dr Krishna Kasaraneni


Newcastle United fan Dr Krishna Kasaraneni is rivalling Geordie wonderkid Andy Carroll in the meteoric-rise stakes, having only decided to go into general practice two years ago.

Described by one of our panel members as having ‘his finger on the pulse of trainees', the current chair of the GPC trainees committee only decided it was time for a career change after three years in surgical training.

Now a GP trainee in Sheffield, Dr Kasaraneni has certainly had his hands full this year by ensuring the views of trainees were heard in the discussions to extend GP training to four years.

He raised concerns at the time, warning that GP trainees must ‘not be used as cheap labour for service providers'.

But now he insists that the BMA is on the ‘same page' as the RCGP, which succeeded in April in its bid to persuade the Medical Programme Board to extend GP training from 2014

But despite this, training remains a big issue for GP registrars and a concern he will be focusing on over the next year.

He will also be working with the RCGP to encourage more medical graduates to make general practice their first choice.

He says: ‘It is a big worry, the lack of interest in general practice. I don't know why it is, as I think it is a fantastic profession to get into.

‘I have no regrets going into general practice, as you don't get the opportunity to treat the patient or develop a relationship with them in other specialties. A GP is the first port of call and the last port of call'.


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