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5. Dr Samantha Wong

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Dr Wong has barely finished her own training but has already started focusing on how to attract GP candidates from unrepresented demographics.

She helped offer work experience in a GP practice to potential medical school applicants from deprived areas, as they often find it harder to gain entry to a medical school. She did this after taking time out of her GP training to take up a post as a leadership fellow for the Yorkshire and Humber deanery.

She presented to the RCGP’s annual conference on work experience in general practice for sixth formers. She recently achieved a distinction in a postgraduate certificate in medical leadership.

Dr Wong has also undertaken supportive work with young carers at local secondary schools, improving the carers’ own health and wellbeing and that of the cared-for person.

This autumn she will start work as a GP locum.

What others say ‘Any trainee who has a positive impact on both patient demand and workforce supply for GPs and the wider workforce is surely one to watch’


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