dr roberts bethan 3 x2
This newly qualified south-east Wales GP has already had a major influence on the profession, despite her relative inexperience and a career encompassing three specialisms.
As the chair of the Welsh Junior Doctors Committee, Dr Roberts was instrumental in achieving formal contractual safeguards on working hours for UK GP trainees. She has also been part of the call by BMA Wales for an increase in the number of GP training posts advertised in Wales in light of improved fill rates for this year’s intake.
Dr Roberts appeared as one of the voices of grassroots general practice in Wales for a BBC photography feature called ‘What being a doctor in Wales means to me’. The photo she chose to represent her was taken on a night shift when her team was one doctor down: an image of her hip pocket, sagging with the weight of her absent colleague’s bleeper and her own on-call and cardiac arrest bleepers – a nod to the widespread staffing shortages in the NHS.
She is also a member of the GMC’s advisory forum for Wales, a salaried GP in Butetown, Cardiff and a prison GP at HMP Parc in Bridgend.
She says: ‘My favourite moments from the past 12 months were qualifying as a GP in January, and achieving the formal contractual safeguards on GP trainee working hours’.
What others say ‘She is engaging, insightful and wise beyond her years’