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Dr Ben Brown

It has been a good year for Dr Ben Brown. Chair of the RCGP Associates in Training Committee and an executive committee member of Society for Academic Primary Care, Dr Brown has also passed his MRCGP exam, received a distinction in his Masters degree, received a distinguished paper award at Medinfo 2013 and started his PhD. 

A GP registrar (ST4) in a south Manchester practice, it is said of him that he is ‘very influential and effective’ on behalf of GP trainees. To that end, he has already exercised the first ever AiT votes at RCGP council and convinced the college to more accurately structure AiT college membership fees.

A keen footballer, a classically-trained pianist and secret composer, Dr Brown says he wants to make a difference to populations of patients as well as to those in his consulting room and to help GP trainees at a national level as well as those on his VTS.

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