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Dr Nikita Kanani

Nominated by our panel for promoting the quality agenda through the Faculty of Medical Leadership and Management where she is quality improvement lead, Dr Nikita Kanani is described as ‘passionate about improving service provision and access within the NHS’.

A council member at the NAPC and an RCGP clinical commissioning champion, while still a GP registrar, and now on the NHS Bexley CCG clinical executive, Dr Kanani is clearly a doer.

Previously a medical adviser for NHS Direct, she is also a networker - as co-chair and founder of The Network - an online community connecting 2,883 medical students, doctors and other healthcare professionals which ‘aims to facilitate the sharing of knowledge in leadership, management and quality improvement, with the core principle of improving patient care’.

An active public speaker, she has presented nationally and internationally on opportunities and collaboration in the new NHS, starring in this year’s Pulse Live Big Debate on GP burnout.

Dr Kanani is described as ‘a great role model - and mother of two small children - juggling work and home with an unrelenting smile’.

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