Dr Katie Bramall-Stainer has come a long way since her quizzing days when she led her team into victory on the BBC4 quiz show Only Connect in 2010.
Now general practice is her primary focus and she describes herself as a rare breed – a 35-year-old female GMS partner who genuinely loves her job.
And it’s not surprising that the panel picks her as a future GPC leader. She has sat on the committee for seven years and is also a member of Hertfordshire LMC.
She says her priority at the moment is ‘raising the volume on the background noise of the crisis looming’ and she is determined to ‘keep agitating’.
A paper she co-authored and presented to the GPC, describing the GP workforce as at ‘crisis point,’ set ‘rockets under some bottoms’. ‘It achieved what we wanted but we now have to push to the solutions and implement a rescue package,’ she says.
The time has come for general practice to ‘take off its cardigan and don the Teflon’, she adds.
And what GPs really need to help them is honesty, Dr Bramall-Stainer explains. ‘Honesty from the Government to the electorate that your healthcare system can be quick, cheap or effective: not all three.’
She admits to being a little work obsessed but says her husband, whom she met when they both captained their teams on University Challenge, keeps her sane, proving to be her ‘confidante, comfort, focus-group and critic rolled into one.’
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