27 dr butta, prit power50 2017 27
Dr Buttar’s idea for GPs to take on more private work to ease the financial squeeze on the profession made national headlines after featuring in Pulse. Retaining his role as chair of Oxfordshire LMC – despite moving to Scotland – alongside Dr Paul Roblin, he has been promoting the LMC’s ‘Plan B’ for general practice.
As part of this he is looking at ‘alternative ways to increase funding and models that allow practices to operate within the rules’. This might include charging for minor operations. He said this would ’allow GPs to value their own time more and puts pressure on the Government, which is a monopoly customer, that can dictate how much it is willing to pay.’
It seems the Oxfordshire LMC chair may have support too, with Dr Buttar saying other LMCs have shown an interest.
Why influential
Plotting an alternative course for general practice
What others say
‘Standing up with integrity and professionalism’
Random fact
Is a published military historian
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