If you are a female or marginalised gender GP, take our survey on everyday sexism for a chance to win £150 worth of John Lewis tokens. (Please note, if you are not a female/marginalised gender GP, this survey is not intended for you.)
The survey should take a few minutes to complete – and if you leave your contact details you will be entered into a prize draw of £150 of John Lewis vouchers. More importantly, it will help GPs to have their voices heard, with our stories regularly picked up by national media.
We will close the survey at 9am, Wednesday 17 January 2024.
We will not quote you by name, or by any identifiable details, without your express consent. The results will be reported in aggregate terms in future Pulse coverage.
You can take the survey by clicking here
If you would like to feature in our final ever print issue, you can do so here! (Open to all GPs)