The competition regulations mean our CCG is worried that they are having to put services out to tender, despite wanting to keep the money in general practice.
Obviously we’re not happy that the CCG is in this position, and it is money potentially lost to general practice in Stockport. But what we can do about it is another matter.
The income we receive from LESs accounts for 10-15% of the practice’s income.
There are still concerns about the services that have gone to the public health domain, which we haven’t actually agreed – things like cardiovascular screening and the well-person service.’
Dr David Gilbert, chair of Stockport LMC
We’re concerned that the competition regulations mean up to 40% of our LESs, including spirometry, ECG and 24-hour blood- pressure monitoring, may have to be put out to tender. Strategically, our priority remains building a really strong primary care system where services are locally accessible to patients, providing good value for public money.
Dr Viren Mehta, clinical director for NHS Stockport CCG
Read the full investigation here: Investigation: GPs face battle to retain LES income