27693 1 dr tom black paul stuart
1. ‘We must be ready to leave the NHS permanently’
helen stokes lampard 330×330
2. ‘If you want to vent, don’t do it in front of a trainee’
Dr Richard Vautrey square 2017 27
3. ‘There aren’t a lot of happy GP stories right now’
Ian Cumming – online 330×330
4. Training chief: ‘I can’t guarantee money won’t be cut’
Dr Phillip Lee oct 2017 jon enoch 022 3×2
5. GP minister: ‘The health system is Ponzi-like: we need honesty’
paul gray 2 by martin hunter 3×2
6. ‘I want GPs to know they are valued’
The head of NHS Scotland, Paul Gray, spoke to Nigel Praities at Pulse Live in Glasgow
dr anwar mohammed saqib square ed maynard 32
7. ‘The enthusiasm for overseas GP recruits is there’
International GP scheme pioneer Dr Mohammed Saqib Anwar spoke to Carolyn Wickware
david mowat 330x330px 2
8. ‘Paying GPs less will not increase numbers’
dr poulter,dan jon enoch 005 330x330px
9. ‘Doctors’ morale is at its lowest in 10 years’