This book is a gem because it summarises and interprets all the important papers published on the clinical management of diabetes. If
you have ever stopped to wonder why diabetes is managed as it is, then I would urge you to looks at this slim volume. If you have ever
struggled to persuade your diabetic patients of the importance of losing weight, then this is for you; it has all the evidence
accompanied by straightforward graphs using data from the original papers.
There are summaries of the papers which demonstrated that reducing weight and increasing physical activity can actually reduce
the incidence of diabetes occurring at all, as well as papers looking at the effectiveness of the various treatment modalities. The science
behind the links with cardiovascular disease, hypertension and dyslipidaemia are there, as is the original explanation of Metabolic
syndrome given by Reaven in his 1988 Banting memorial lecture. Each paper is critically appraised, drawing out the salient points in plain English.
This book contains eighty years worth of knowledge in less than eighty pages and, because of the way it is laid out, it is easy
to dip into. I would highly recommend it to any practising GP.
Rating 10/10
Dr Bridget Osborne is a GP